About Me

I started Growing Up Gaming in 2016 to be a voice for millennial gamers who may begin to feel disconnected from games as they get older. My posts are geared towards the growing gamer who plays to get lost in a complex fantasy world, hops on a game in between laundry cycles, dives into the latest FPS to see if they have new competition, and believes that even as we age and life gets more complex, video games can still be a valuable experience worth having.

If you have a passion for gaming like me but also aspire to lead a busy and fulfilling life, my blog posts should be more then relatable. I aim for my posts to provide insight into the video games I play, my experiences with them, and to bring understanding about the gaming industry as it grows and evolves like we do. My posts are structured mostly around opinions pieces and reviews but I do write others. I enjoy writing and the more I do it the better I will get. I am still learning and will make mistakes on my posts but I love doing it and will never stop until I feel I have reached as close as I can to my definition of perfection.

The idea for Growing Up Gaming spawned from my desire to continue writing while I am not in school. I love both video games and writing and I have always searched for a way to combine the two that made sense to me. This blog is the best way for me to satisfy both of these desires while at the same time offering material that I hope is relatable to more than just myself.
I am a bassist for the band Astraea and love music as much as I do writing and video games. I am also currently an undergraduate student at SUNY Brockport, pursuing a degree in history and a minor in anthropology.  I am undecided on a professional career path after school but I know I want it to be something that involves my passion for helping others. Which brings me back to why Growing Up Gaming is so important to me.

I want this blog to be as much an outlet for myself as it is a tool for you to understand that even as life becomes increasingly complex and busy, it is important to remember to create time for the things you love. That is why growing up and gaming can be synonymous with each other.   

You can reach me on Twitter (@B1B818) and please like and share my blog on Google +


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