
Showing posts from December, 2016

Returning to Skyrim

There have been very few game series that have brought me more enjoyment than the Elder Scrolls series. Oblivion was the first game I got for my Xbox 360 and probably the one I played the most until Skyrim . So when I found out Bethesda was making a remastered edition for the current console generation I was extremely excited. The idea of being able to travel across Skyrim again spoke to the nostalgic side of me. Listening to atmospheric orchestra pieces while admiring the world of has always been great but with updated graphics it would be even better. The remastered edition definitely has noticeable graphic quality improvements. Firstly, the water effects are much better and looks more natural instead of some weird mirror you can fall in an out of. It even appears to flow better along rivers and rapids. Textures on all environmental features are tremendously improved adding to the realism. Lighting effects looks more realistic and so do the shadows it produces. More foliage is

My Sister, Video Games and Understanding

 The holiday season is always chaotic and a mix of emotion for me as I am sure it is for many others. It’s the time where you either love to see your family or you pretend to, and you give them gifts accordingly. Looking back on it, as a child the holidays represented more than gifts and giving, it represented the one time of year where my sister and I bonded and understood each other and a large part of the reason for this is because of video games. Growing up my sister and I both loved playing video games. She had an original Game Boy with Super Mario, Tetris and Kirby. It was one of her most prized possessions and she loved it, secretly I did too. I would have to wait until she was gone to sneak into her room and play it or if I was lucky, she would let me play it when she was home. She was pretty good at sharing when she wanted to and we both had a good time playing, that is when we weren’t fighting. My sister and I were almost always at odds. We bickered and fought ver